Concise Minutes - Finance Committee

Meeting Venue:

Committee Room 3 - Senedd

Meeting date: Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Meeting time: 09.30 - 10.38
This meeting can be viewed
on Senedd TV at:





Assembly Members:

Simon Thomas AM (Chair)

Neil Hamilton AM

Mike Hedges AM

Jane Hutt AM

Nick Ramsay AM

David Rees AM


Dyfed Alsop, Welsh Revenue Authority

Kathryn Bishop, Welsh Revenue Authority

Committee Staff:

Bethan Davies (Clerk)

Leanne Hatcher (Second Clerk)

Georgina Owen (Deputy Clerk)

Martin Jennings (Researcher)

Christian Tipples (Researcher)

Ben Harris (Legal Adviser)

Gareth Pembridge (Legal Adviser)



1       Introductions, apologies, substitutions and declarations of interest

1.1 The Chair welcomed members to the meeting.

1.2 Apologies were received from Steffan Lewis AM.



2       Paper(s) to note

2.1 The paper was noted.



2.1   Letter to the Chair of the Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee - Public Services Ombudsman (Wales) Bill - 10 January 2018



3       Devolution of fiscal powers to Wales: Evidence session 3 (Welsh Revenue Authority)

3.1 The Committee took evidence from Kathryn Bishop, Chair, Welsh Revenue Authority; and Dyfed Alsop, Chief Executive, Welsh Revenue Authority on the preparations for the devolution of fiscal powers to Wales.

3.2 The Chief Executive agreed to provide the Committee with a note setting out what the WRA will do in the run-up to 1 April 2018 to ensure that the Land Registry work on cross border transactions is co-ordinated.



4       Motion under Standing Order 17.42 to resolve to exclude the public from the remainder of the meeting

4.1 The motion was agreed.



5       Devolution of fiscal powers to Wales: Consideration of evidence

5.1 The Committee considered the evidence received.



6       Land Transaction Tax and Anti-avoidance of Devolved Taxes (Wales) Act 2017: Tax Statutory Instruments

6.1 The Committee considered the following tax statutory instruments and agreed to report:

·         The Land Transaction Tax (Tax Bands and Tax Rates) (Wales) Regulations 2018

·         The Land Transaction Tax (Specified Amount of Relevant Rent) (Wales) Regulations 2018

·         The Land Transaction Tax and Anti-avoidance of Devolved Taxes (Wales) Act 2017 (Amendment to Schedule 5) Regulations 2018

·         The Land Transaction Tax (Administration) (Wales) Regulations 2018

·         The Land Transaction Tax (Transitional Provisions) (Wales) Regulations 2018



7       Landfill Disposals Tax (Wales) Act 2017: Tax Statutory Instrument

7.1 The Committee considered the Landfill Disposals Tax (Tax Rates) (Wales) Regulations 2018 and agreed to report.
